Thursday, June 25, 2015

"I'm a Pagan"

"I am a pagan" it's not something you hear every day. Although technically I didn't "hear" this, this was the first on the new student orientation surveys that one girl filled out. We're up to almost 500 service so far this summer, so praise God for that!

And if you're interested, the following three snapshots are what are current statistics are of the incoming freshmen class.
Encouraging more than most of everything else: more than 25% of the students put a '10' on their desire to grow closer to God.  Additionally, 60+% of the students say that they're fine with us following up with them, so that's good!

Monday, June 15, 2015

"I don't have any spiritual interest..."

"I don't have any spiritual interest".  "Well, that's okay, you can still fill out the survey and just write that down", I responded to an incoming freshmen girl named Chelsea.  
She filled out the short "spiritual interest survey" at the booth last night during the fourth New Student Orientation.  Afterward, I took the opportunity to quickly tell her about our apologetic/christian education options we have at Equip.

"Monday nights" I told her, "we have a smaller, informal meeting where we gather to discuss some deeper and harder things of life, such as the existence of God, or the history of the bible, or the nature of sexuality, etc."  She seemed to be genuinely interested, and she quickly pointed out that she had put a level '10' in the category for "interested in considering the reasons you believe what you believe".  She remarked that she really liked to not just "believe" things, but understand and think about them.  
This is certainly a praiseworthy thing, regardless of just how much this may or may not happen.  So, I encouraged her in this, and explained a bit more about Equip and what we do (especially in those ways).  Please pray that God would open a door through this to declare the gospel to her, and to have many opportunities to explain and re-explain the nature and glory of God in the gospel.

(This isn't Chelsea's survey, just fyi)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

3rd NSO

The third "New Student Orientation"of the summer the past 3 hours.  A bit slower night tonight, only about 65 surveys filled out. But it was a good night!

Monday, June 8, 2015

First NSO

First "new student orientation" of the summer! Please pray for fruit. The spiritual kind...