Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I love SD

I actually do really love South Dakota. I also love Brookings. Pray that God's will might be done in Brookings as it is in heaven!

Monday, October 22, 2012

"The Christian and the voting booth"

Tonight, Josh Adams lead a group discussion and informal lecture about politics. I will write more about this in the future, but it was a great example of what we mean when we talk about transformational education. Basically, Christians and non-Christians growing in their critical thinking abilities, because our Lord is a critical thinker. About 20 students showed up tonight, And it was a good and educational time.

Pro-Life annual efforts

We have a growing place in our hearts for mothers and the unborn children in this country. We have therefore begun having some sort of Pro-Life event each year. Next Monday night we are co-hosting a viewing if the documentary Blood Money: the Business of Abortion". It is very good and very alarming. I invite you to join us, and ask that you pray for the time.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nick's Bugers with Jeong, Cindy & Sunny

Every Tuesday we have an ESL class with three South Koreans we met, Jeong, Cindy and Sunny. It's been a great time and a good opportunity. Today was their first experience of Nick's burgers. They loved them!


Our annual October bonfire and Chili feed was a hit! Close to 40 students made it out, had an amazing time of fun, conversation and singing.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

50 souls? Really?

       It is sometimes a strange and silly temptation and desire of my hear that "I want more...I want more students".  And not in the kind of "I want more students to influence for the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they find infinite joy in Him" sorta more, but the "I want more because I'm not finding my identity and satisfaction in Jesus" sorta more.  
In other words, I'm a sinner. 
        I sometimes will think on a Wednesday night, "there are not as many students here as last week...bummer".  And many times its a good thing to feel that.  I DO want more students to hear the gospel, be saved, and be discipled!  However, the other times I just want a "bigger ministry", or some similar silly nonsense of my heart.  There was a brief moment tonight where I thought that.  However, my God graciously kicked me, and rather put in my mind, "there are 50 souls sitting in front of you right now.  I'm giving you stewardship and pastoral care of them.  I'm in control and it is I who give the growth...but don't forget to take care how you build on my foundation of my Son."  So, He didn't say quite all of that, nor did he quote 1 Cor 3, but He DID open my eyes a bit more to see.  And what I saw was astounding: 50 souls sitting under our care, preaching, guidance, etc.  
That is scary, and it is moments like this that I'm especially joyful that Christ is glorified in my weaknesses, because I'm feeling weak to accomplish what 50 souls need to grow and mature!


Desiring God Conference

An amazing weekend in Minnespolis. We had about 25 students attend (give or take with a few alumni and friends that came), and it was a very helpful time. We are not 100% positive year to year whether we will attend this DG conference, but are glad we did and look forward to seeing God grow fruit in our lives because if it!

It is also a good time to buy books and save money, since they sell at some really good prices!
Our top shelf is now full of books for students, thanks to the Equip fund supplied by our amazing church body, as well as a friend if ours, Troy Botts. He comes up with boxes of books from time to time and lavishes us with blessings.
The several pictures are all the one shelf on top...not that anyone is actually interested in reading them, I just think they look awesome. :)