Who does ministry on the campus of SDSU as "Equip"?
If your first thought is me or Brandon, or other staff or full-time college ministers, you might be mistaken.
Indeed I am extremely privileged to do what I do, and I sometimes I can't believe that I am blessed to "give myself" to this work, laboring and striving to see the gospel spread and disciples grown in Jesus.
However, without solid, passionate, committed and amazing student leaders, Brandon and I would not have a fraction of the impact that we do, by the grace of God.
This past weekend was our annual "Leadership Recruitment and Vision Casting Retreat". We had about 20 students come to learn scripture, grow in their ability to minister to their peers, and get a much better understanding of how to do ministry. We invite them to come and consider whether it might be right for them to formally join our Leadership Team for the 2013-14 school year.
It was a fantastic time! Lots of learning, lots of fun and some really good time in prayer and fellowship.
Please pray God would bring those onto our team would should be there.
The line that we start them with is, "Being a leader means giving your life away on this campus". We truly believe this, and are praying God raises up more students who want to serve and "give their lives [time, energy, finances, etc] away" for their peers this coming year!