In a couple of hours, I will be enjoying some Southern food, beef, potatoes, corn, shrimp and all sorts of stuff all thrown into a pot and cooked. Tonight is the weekly social at the Project, and tonight is called "Low Country Boil"...should be fun.
Things have been super challenging and super great in SC.
I've been really convicted on several various things, including a big conviction on how much I put my identity in ministry and the "success" I have in ministry. This has been an idol of mine, and the Lord has been progressively displaying this to me, rebuking me kindly in my idolatry, rather than trusting in the gospel. Or as Paul said, "He HAS delivered from the domain of darkness, and HAS transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son[!]." Wow! This is the gospel, if we are in Christ, this IS NOW a reality, and we should "sing with thankfulness in our heart to God" over this truth, and it has been happening more in my life lately.
So, a week from today I will be back up North, spending a couple of days in St. Cloud with my mom and brother and sister in law, which should be really fun. Then I'll be back in Brookings sometime around the 5th of July, ready to push forward towards some Fall planning for Equip, and hopefully spending a ton of time travelling and meeting with friends and people that I hope will be excited to join my partner team as I raise financial support. Please keep this in your prayers for my sake, as I am hoping to raise $1,100 of monthly support yet this summer (well, actually about $900 more).
(the picture is just another pic of the CO staff training times each morning...we are studying John Frame, it is super great, makes me want to read a lot more John Frame)
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