As you might know, we had a fantastically helpful time in Chattanooga, TN with COM, and I'm excited to spend another day with them.
Ryan, Derek, Leah, Nichole and Kimberly are coming with. I'm really excited for them to have an extra opportunity for some teaching on ministry and all sorts of good things, not to mention myself.
Every opportunity we've had to be with COM has been a blessing, and I expect this to be no different at all.
Pray that our time on the road would be safe and helpful in getting to know each other better.
Pray also that our time in Minneapolis would be helpful, challenging, convicting and whatever else that would convict us of the gospel and our call to share it and teach it to others on our campus...in our case, SDSU.
ps. The photo is from my cousin Christmas party a month back...I grew out a mullet especially for the event. It was a crying shame to have to cut it off the next day.
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