Friday, February 20, 2015

Speaking at the Philosophy Club...most likely

Quick Update and prayer request:

Spent a couple hours today at the weekly "Free Book Friday" (FBF) booth on campus.  Gave away 5 books, 3 of which were the focus book of the day "What's Your Worldview?"by James Anderson.

I usually spend 70% of my time at FBF standing speaking with students, and 30% trying to get through my to-do list.  Today, I spent almost the whole time standing and talking with students, much of which was talking with a student who leads or helps lead the SDSU Philosophy Club.  I met him this past summer, and have spoken with him several times since.  Today he stopped and we had a good conversation regarding the nature of the book, which is essentially written like a "choose your own adventure" novel, except that you answer questions to determine what your 'worldview' is, or simply "what you believe".  It's very cool, and he was interested.  After talking about it for awhile, he invited me to speak at their club, and I agreed.  However, we need to finalize a date (their meetings have a bit of conflict with Equip large group meetings), as well as figure out what I'm actually going to speak on.  

So, the prayer request is simple: please pray for wisdom to decide what to speak on, to do it well, and that a date could work out.  I'm eager for the opportunity to speak to students who choose to be involved in a philosophy club, and want to display Christ well, make him known through whatever topic might be addressed.  

Ps.  Here is the video I played from 11:00-1:00 to advertise the book.  It's not actually a video about the book, but it's pretty close. 

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